Participate in the Million Marker Study

Are you interested in learning more about your daily exposure to harmful chemicals, and what you can do to reduce these exposures to optimize your health? 

This new study will utilize the power of the Healthy Nevada Project to help us understand the relationship between common chemical exposures and health. Scientists estimate that 70% of chronic disease risk comes from environmental exposures (the “exposome”) compared to 30% from genetics (the “genome”). Million Marker offers exposome testing paired with lifestyle audits and education to empower people to reduce toxic exposures, optimize their health, and potentially prevent chronic diseases. 

Your participation is completely voluntary and would involve urine testing and possibly blood collection, answering several online surveys, and conducting two lifestyle audits. All of these processes will be conducted by you in your home and are of very low risk to you. If you participate, you will receive a report of your testing results, gain the knowledge of your exposure level and how to limit your exposure, and you will receive gift cards to thank you for your time.